YA ALLAH, rahmatilah TETAMU BLOG ini, sihatkan ia, ampunilah dosa-dosanya, berkatilah amalannya, janganlah Engkau balikkan hatinya setelah Engkau beri petunjuk dan hidayah kepadanya dan ya Allah masukkanlah ia dan keluarganya kedalam syurga FirdausMu serta jauhkanlah ia dan keluarganya dari azab nerakaMu. Sesungguhnya ya Allah, hanya kepada Engkau kami sembah dan hanya kepada Engkau sahajalah kami meminta pertolongan. Ya Allah jika rezeki tetamu blog ini masih diatas langit, turunkanlah ia, jika rezekinya di dalam bumi, keluarkanlah ia, jika rezekinya jauh, dekatkanlah ia, jika rezekinya haram, sucikanlah ia dan jika rezekinya sukar, Engkau permudahkanlah ia, Ya Allah kurniakanlah kepada kami segala kebaikan yang Engkau kurniakan kepada hamba-hamba Mu yang soleh. Ya Allah, tolonglah kami dalam mengingatiMu, tolonglah kami untuk bersyukur kepadaMu dan Ya Allah, Tolonglah kami memperbaiki ibadah kami.

Ya Allah, ampunkanlah dosa kami kerana gagal melaksanakan segala perintahMu dan Ya Allah, ampunkanlah dosa kami kerana menjadi hamba yang gagal dalam mencegah kemungkaran. Ya Allah selamatkanlah kami dari segala macam balasanMu sebagaimana engkau selamatkan Nabi Lut sewaktu engkau memusnahkan umatnya. Ya Allah kurniakanlah kepada kami semangat, kekuatan dan kelapangan waktu dalam beribadah kepadaMu.



Sunday, November 15, 2009

SC obtains RM31 million for investors in Swisscash settlement

Kuala Lumpur, 13 November 2009

Kuala Lumpur, 13 November 2009

SC obtains RM31 million for investors in Swisscash settlement

The Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) has entered into the largest settlement in its history involving a sum of approximately RM31 million. The milestone payout, made possible following a consent judgment entered with two Swisscash investment scam defendants, will be used to restitute eligible investors who have suffered losses as a result of the scam.

The judgment, entered with Albert Lee Kee Sien and Amir Hassan, marked the culmination of three years of intensive efforts by the SC in pursuing the perpetrators of the Swisscash scam which involved cross-border investigations spanning seven countries and cooperation from foreign regulators. So far, some 3,000 people have lodged complaints to the SC alleging losses in the scheme.

The restitution will be carried out based on a court approved distribution plan. Once the court's approval has been obtained, an administrator appointed by the SC will manage the processing of claims.

In order to be eligible for the restitution, investors must produce documentary proof of their principal investments. Other criteria include whether they continued to invest in the scheme despite the SC's warnings. Investors who were also recruiters or upliners in the scheme would not be eligible. The SC will soon publish a notice setting out the process for Swisscash investors who have yet to register their claims.


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